Monday, September 27, 2010

Country Study # 1 Ireland

Climate - About 15 degrees celsius rainy
Population - 3,797,257 in 2000 (estimation)
Size - 84,431 square kilometers (Saskatchewan is 588,276 square kilometers so about 6 Irelands can fit into Saskatchewan)
Jobs - Tourism, Agriculture, Farming, and also Fishing
Animals - Well we saw sheep, lots of cows, sea birds, horses, dogs, I'd guess
that there is more but we did not see them
Arcutecture - Rectangled shaped buildingss
History - A very huge thing that happened in Ireland is the Great Famine. It happened between 1845 and 1852. It seems that the people weren't allowed to sell their own food and they didn't get much from the government. They grew good corn but the government shiped it away to North America and they shipped back their bad corn and the Irish were forced to eat that. Nearly 20-25% of the Irish died in the Famine.

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