The Forum was the old city. It was in the middle of the main hills. When they wanted to start it it was a swamp so they had to drain it. (The drain still works by the way) So the sheperds would travel down from the hills and gather here. Kind of like a downtown.
The Forum has lots of collums. Did you know that the Romans were really bad sculpters? Most of the collums were done in sections. So most of the good sculpters were done in other places. The old buildings were amazing! Well what's still there anyway. There are 3 main arches. They built them when they had huge victories. There's a path underneth called The Path of Victory or something like that.
Over time the Forum was buried. In 1945 Mussallini, the leader of Italy of that time, dug it back up. When he reached the path he thought that there was more under it so he kept digging. Saddly he was mistaken. When he found out that there wasn't more he put them back down. It used to be flat and smooth but thanks to Mussulini it was spaced out and bumpy. Sigh!
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