We took a train to the sea. Our villa that we have there has a view of the island of Capri. We can see all of the lights on the coast at night. Ahhh....
One of the places we went to is called Pompei. It's a 2000 year old city. Well it used to be a city now it's just a bunch of ruins. Even so it's pretty cool. The city sort of died in 82 AD when Mount Vesbius erupted and buried the city in ash and lava. Some of the people were encased in ash. Over time the bodies decomposed leaving the inside hollow. When Pompei was re-discovered they filled the hollow part with plaster and left a plaster shape of the person.
Most of the buildings are almost all the way destroyed so you have to use your imagination. One building that was mostly still there was the baths. All the people would come to the one building, well men to one women to the other but anyway, there was a waiting area before hand then they would go into a big tub with hot water then one with cold. Or is it the other way around? Hmm...
Pompei has lots of dogs. They have so much that they started an adoption organization for them! All the tourist's paparazied them. They were so cute I can see why.
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